Halo para patriot RF!
Sudah ikut bermain CLOSE BETA RF Lucky belum nih? Kalau belum, buruan join ya. Admin punya informasi event terbaru nih. RF Lucky mengadakan event LUCKY LEVEL 66. Apa sih event lucky level 66? Jadi buat kamu yang sudah bermain di CLOSE BETA dan mencapai level 66 dengan syarat CPT minimal 25.000, kamu bisa kirim screenshoot char kamu di discord bagian tag event lucky level 66, dan setelah CBT berakhir akan diundi. Ada hadiah senilai IDR 500.000 untuk 5 orang beruntung. Bagi yang sudah memenangkan First Level 66 tidak bisa ikutan lagi ya. 1 Discord = 1 ID dan hanya bisa mengikutkan 1 char. Jadi tunggu apa lagi? Semoga beruntung. (Batas maksimal event adalah Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2024, 22.50 WIB)
Hello RF patriots!
Have you played CLOSE BETA RF Lucky yet? If not, hurry up and join. Admin has the latest event information. RF Lucky has a LUCKY LEVEL 66 event. What is the lucky level 66 event? So for those of you who have played in CLOSE BETA and reached level 66 with a minimum CPT requirement of 25,000, you can send a screenshot of your character in the discord section of the lucky level 66 event tag, and after the CBT ends it will be drawn. There is a prize worth IDR 500,000 for 5 lucky people. For those who have won First Level 66, you can't join again. 1 Discord = 1 ID and can only include 1 character. So what are you waiting for? Good luck. (The maximum event deadline is Saturday, August 31, 2024, 23.50 GMT+8 / PH TIME)